These days it is not uncommon to see a young kid walking around with their head down looking at a screen. Avoiding social media these days is not easy. Delaying your child’s social media exposure can be beneficial for their mental health and self-esteem. It is important for you as a parent to teach them how to use it responsibly.
You must set important boundaries on how much your child is exposed to it. Guiding and modeling how to use social media wisely can be ways to ensure your child knows how to safely navigate through this digital world.
For example, you can tell your child he/she can get on it for an hour a day. Social media should be used for learning, growth and following only your friends. Real life for a child is hard enough they should not be exposed to the world of social media following people they do not know therefore possibly looking at posts comparing themselves to someone they only know on a screen. They will fight you on this but you know what is best for them.